Genetics, Natural and Artificial Selection Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: darwin : the "father" of evolution, artificial : selection exerted by humans, nucleus : where dna is stored, adaptation : structural or behavioral feature that helps an organism survive, adaptive radiation : species evolve from a common ancestor, geno type : the alleles in an individual, heterozygous : containing dominant and recessive alleles, finches : a group of birds darwin studied, co dominance : when both alleles are expressed equally, trait : physical characteristics, mutations : changes in the dna of an organism, dna : deoxyribonucleic acid, phenotype : the physical appearance of an individual, extinction : when species completely disappears from earth, incomplete : dominance when neither allele completely masks the presence of the other, natural selection : process where organisms change over many generations, galapagos : islands where darwin observed birds, sex linked : alleles attached to x or y chromosome, species : group of organisms that can interbreed, helix : shape of dna