Dental Terminology Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: oblique : principle fiber group- cementum to alveolar bone in an oblique direction, eruption : movement of teeth into their functional positions, horizontal : principle fiber group-from the alveolar bone to cementum, desmosomes : attach epithelial cells to one another, polyphydont : having several sets of teeth formed in succession throughout life, uvula : small pendulum of muscular tissue which extends from the soft palate and hangs into the oropharyngeal isthmus, coalescence : when developmental lobes fuse, circumferential : gingival fiber that encircles the tooth, anodontia : congenital absence of the teeth, cementum : thin layer of calcified connective tissue that covers the tooth from the cej to the apical foramen, hemidesmosomes : attach epithelial cells to the tooth and connective tissue, interradicular : principle fiber group- from alveolar bone to cementum in furcation areas, furcation : the region of a multirooted tooth at which the roots divide, dentoperiosteal : gingival fiber that extends from cementum apically over the alveolar crest, dentogingival : gingival fiber group- extends from the cementum near the cej to the free gingiva, periodontium : the functional unit of tissue that supports the teeth, attrition : wearing away of the tooth structure by friction, rubbing, or grinding, edentulous : toothless, having lost the natural teeth, embrasure : the spaces formed by the interproximal contours of adjacent teeth, transeptal : gingival fiber that extends horizontally from one tooth to the adjacent tooth