Financial Accounts Crossword Puzzle

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Financial Accounts Crossword Puzzle

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  • acid test ratio : similar to the current ratio but excludes stocks from current assets. a more severe test of liquidity.
  • assets : resources that belong to a business.
  • capital : money put into the business by the owners.
  • current assets : liquid assets, i.e. those assets that will be converted into cash within one year.
  • current ratio : assesses the firm’s liquidity by dividing current liabilities into current assets.
  • current liabilities : money owed by the business that must be repaid within one year.
  • intangible assets : non-physical assets, such as brand names, patents and customer lists.
  • inventories : stocks, such as raw materials and finished goods held by a business.
  • liabilities : money owed by the business to banks and suppliers, for example.