Figurative Language Practice Crossword Puzzle

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  • simile : the herd of approaching elephants sounded like rolling thunder
  • onomatopoeia : a word that imitates a sound.
  • alliteration : peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
  • simile : her eyes were like two sparkling emeralds.
  • hyperbole : my backpack weighed a million pounds.
  • personification : giving human characteristics to inanimate objects.
  • onomatopoeia : boom!
  • metaphor : her eyes were two sparkling emeralds.
  • simile : “my love is like a red, red rose . . . “
  • hyperbole : an extreme exaggeration.
  • simile : her temper was as explosive as a bomb.
  • metaphor : a comparison not using the words “like” or “as”.
  • personification : the sun’s rays wrapped its warm arms around my body.
  • personification : mom! the t.v. begged me to watch it!
  • personification : the dry leaves gathered in groups, chattering happily.
  • alliteration : the repetition of beginning sounds.
  • metaphor : your smile is sunshine to me.
  • simile : a comparison using the words “like” or “as”.
  • metaphor : his life was an open book.