English Words of Japanese Origin Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: tsunami: in english, it means a long, high sea wave that can be caused by an earthquake, zen: according to the cambridge dictionary, the exact english meaning of it is “not to worry”, emoji: in english, it is a small digital image used to express an idea or emotion in electronic communication, sake: in english, it means, for the purpose of or for the interest of in order to achieve something. however, in japanese, it literally means “alcohol.”, origami: in english, it means folding paper into decorative shapes and figures, rickshaw: people often think the word came from china, however it was first used in japan in 1869, which literally meant “human-powered vehicle.”, haiku: it’s a japanese way of writing a poem of seventeen syllables. the meaning of the word doesn’t change in english, futon: this word is originally a japanese word, which has the same english meaning as well. in english, it means a type of mattress that can be rolled up or a bed or seat made from such a mattress, typhoon: in english, it means a tropical storm, tofu: english meaning of it is, a soft white substance made from soya beans.