The Metric System Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: hectometer : a linear measurement that is 100 times longer than a meter, centimeter : a measurement that is one-hundredth of a meter, un bundling : breaking up of one or more units to create a lot more but smaller equivalent unit, kilometer : a measurement that is 1000 time longer than an meter, metric system : a measurement system that uses powers of 10 for adjacent units, word form : one hundred thirty-five is an example of, exponent : the number of times a number needs to multiply itself, product : the answer to a multiplication operation, bundling : putting smaller units together to make one larger one in a higher place value, quotient : the answer of a division operation, unit form : 3 ones 2 tenths i hundredth is an example of, number sentence : 4 + 3 = 7 is an example of, decameter : a linear measurement that is 10 times longer than a meter, liter : the metric unit that measures the volume of liquids, meter : the metric unit that measures length, decimeter : a length that is one-tenth of a meter, millimeter : a measurement that is one-thousandths of a meter, gram : the metric unit that measures weigh