Diversity Awareness Crossword Puzzle

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Diversity Awareness Crossword Puzzle

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  • discrimination: unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people
  • intersectionality: the intertwining of social identities such as gender, race, etc.
  • diversity awareness: the practice of including or involving people from a range of backgrounds
  • inequality: unequal access to opportunities
  • equality: evenly distributed tools and assistance
  • justice: fixing the system to offer equal access to both tools and opportunities
  • cultural humility: a willingness to accurately assess oneself and acknowledge gaps in one's knowledge
  • accessibility: the extent to which a facility is readily approachable and usable by individuals with disabilities
  • bipoc: black, indigenous, people of color
  • color blind: the belief in treating everyone "equally" by treating everyone the same
  • culture: the pattern of daily life learned consciously and unconsciously by a group of people