What's Sociology All About? Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: comte : "father of sociology", universals : food taboos, funeral rites, marriage and family are cultural _ , explore : research goal of the pickel and gentry study, analysis : research step, deductive : this approach is initiated by theory, hypothesis, followed by systematic collection of data and analysis, functionalism : oldest sociological paradigm, language : makes us human, variables : harm and self-presentation in the pickel and gentry study, sociology : study of society, max : one of the classical writers in sociology, _ weber, latent function : cell phones are able to carry a multitude of apps that have nothing to do with making calls and communicating, folkway : in the past, males pick up the tab when on a date, ritual : family gatherings on holidays and special occasions, weddings, graduations, and reunions, are all examples of this, each : _ sociological paradigm has a different set of assumptions, symbol : "take a knee", survey : type of data collection tool, values : efficiency, activity and work, freedom and equality are american _ , chicago : 1st formal department of sociology at u of . . , historical : sociologists often make this kind of examination, conflict : this theoretical perspective focuses on the inequalities and change within society, marx : abhorred capitalism and the resultant inequalities, material culture : for example, cell phones, automobiles, and umbrellas, norm : "recycle and protect the environment", durkheim : found suicide related to social integration, ethnocentrism : the u.s. often thinks of itself as more powerful, more economically sound, and generally just "better" than other nations.