Skill Aquisition Crossword Puzzle

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Skill Aquisition Crossword Puzzle

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  • sub-routine : breakdown of a skill into a sequence
  • fine : involves greater precision in the control of small muscles
  • closed : highly predictable environment- where athlete is in control of the timing of movements.
  • serial : number of discrete skills in a sequence
  • whole : involves learning a new skill in it’s entirety. used for skills that are high in complexity and low in organisation.
  • gross : involve movements of large parts of the body or the whole body, requiring less precision.
  • open : unpredictable environment- object or weather is constantly changing. these are also externally paced.
  • distributed : consists of short, frequent practice sessions interspersed with intervals or intervals of learning other skills
  • cognitive : understanding the skill, make many errors, high reliance of feedback.
  • discrete : definite beginning and end
  • varied : practiced in varied situations.
  • associative : practicing the skill to establish, feeling, timing and subroutines. makes fewer mistakes
  • massed : entails practicing a skill consistently and continuously without breaks until the skill has been learned
  • autonomous : skills performed without thought of individual components and skill performed consistently.
  • continuous : bring together a movement in a sequence. usually repetitive.