Social Groups and Institutions Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: primary: families and close friends are these types of groups, secondary: university cohorts, companies and corporations, music choirs and athletic teams are all examples of these groups, norms: these rules and standards or patterns of acceptable behaviour are known as social _ , folkways: most times birthday celebrations, behaviours expected for funerals and other cultural practices such as queh queh and maticore are all associated with _ , interest: these groups of people work together to influence public opinion and/or lobby government actions, to protect a particular benefit they may have, peer: ann, susan and roy are from grade 9s and they all study together on a regular basis, membership: andrew recently requested a change of _ because he was moving to another region, culture: a way of life of the people. the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society, voluntary: this group is a group of individuals who enter into an agreement, usually as volunteers, to form a body (or organization) to accomplish a purpose, involuntary: this is a group that an individual cannot join or leave by his or her own choice. for example, a family because an individual has no control over his birth - to be born or not born in a specific family, laws: these are enforceable body of rules that govern society, social control: regulation of human behaviour in order to create a safe and stable society is known as _ _ , formal: this group has a leader who is officially appointed and elected and there are clearly defined goal and goals which will be long-lasting, informal: there is no clearly defined structure with the organisation being based on the personal relationships of members. there is no official leader as well, institution: this concept is used in two distinct ways. firstly, it means an established law, practice or custom in society like marriage, and secondly, a formal organisation within society that has a particular purpose like providing education, mores: values regarding stealing and violence are reflected in _ that respect an individual's property and personal safety.