Depression Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: insomnia: trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early, concentrate: depression can make it difficult to focus/ _ , interest: depression can cause a loss of _ in things you usually enjoy, appetite: depression can cause an increase or decrease in _ or weight, depressed: feeling sad, blue, or down in the dumps, motivation: depression can cause a lack of _ to complete daily tasks, thirty: percentage of adults who have been diagnosed with depression in their life, females: this gender experiences 1.5- to 3-fold higher rates of depression, serotonin: one of the neurotransmitters depleted during depression, antidepressant: medication used to treat depression, melatonin: chemical your body naturally produces to help regulate sleep, psychiatrist: medical doctor who can diagnose and treat a wide variety of mental health conditions, therapy: non-medication approach to treating mental health conditions by talking with a psychologist, therapist, or counselor, pharmacist: health care professional who specializes in the management of medications, four: antidepressants can take _ to six weeks to start working, stomach: upset _ is the most common side effect when starting an antidepressant, exercise: healthy diet and _ can help improve symptoms of depression, prozac: first ssri antidepressant approved in the u.s. in the 1980s, daily: antidepressants must be taken _ , as opposed to as needed, in order to work properly, adherence: taking your medications as prescribed, alcohol: drugs and _ worsen depression, irritability: flu-like symptoms, insomnia, anxiety, and _ can occur when abruptly discontinuing antidepressants, six: number of months antidepressants should be continued in patients who achieve remission to decrease risk of relapse