Circular Flow Crossword Puzzle

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Circular Flow Crossword Puzzle

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  • leakage : money taken from the economy e.g savings, taxes and imports
  • multiplier : an initial change in spending results in a much greater change in national income
  • foreign sector : the sector that needs to be included for the economy to be regarded as an open economy
  • closed economy : an economy that does not take part in international trade
  • circular flow : a model which illustrates the flows between participants in the economy
  • open economy : an economy that includes the foreign sector
  • gross domestic product : the total value of all final goods and services that are produced within the borders of a country
  • injection : the adding of more money to the circular flow
  • money flow : the movement of money in the form of income and expenditure
  • household : a group of people living together
  • foreign trade : all the international transactions that take place across political borders
  • savings : income that the participants prefer not to spend
  • financial market : the market in which financial securities are traded