Chemical Reactions - Equilibrium Crossword Puzzle

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Chemical Reactions - Equilibrium Crossword Puzzle

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  • equilibrium : the state in which the concentrations of reactants and products remain constant over time
  • le chatelier : the principle stating that if a system at equilibrium is disturbed, the system will adjust to minimize the disturbance
  • reversible : a reaction where the products can react to reform the reactants
  • dynamic : the type of equilibrium where reactions are still occurring but the overall concentrations remain unchanged
  • forward : the direction of a reaction that forms products from reactants
  • backward : the direction of a reaction that forms reactants from products
  • concentration : the amount of a substance in a given volume
  • pressure : the force exerted by the substance per unit area on another substance
  • temperature : a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a system
  • catalyst : a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change
  • rate : the speed at which a chemical reaction proceeds
  • yield : the amount of product formed in a chemical reaction
  • product : the substances formed from a chemical reaction
  • reactant : the starting substances in a chemical reaction
  • haber process : an industrial process for producing ammonia by reacting nitrogen with hydrogen
  • ammonia : a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen with the formula nh3
  • nitrogen : a chemical element with the symbol n and atomic number 7
  • hydrogen : a chemical element with the symbol h and atomic number 1
  • exothermic : a reaction that releases heat
  • endothermic : a reaction that absorbs heat