Properties of Water Crossword Puzzle

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Properties of Water Crossword Puzzle

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  • cohesion : attraction between molecules of the same substance
  • electron: negatively charged particle; located in the space around the nucleus.
  • base: compound that produces hydroxide ions (oh-) in a solution, solution with a ph of more than 7
  • covalent: type of bond between atoms in which the electrons are shared.
  • ion: atom that has a positive or negative charge.
  • compound: substance forced by the chemical combination of two or more elements in definite proportions
  • molecule: smallest unit of most compounds that displays all the properties of that compound
  • ph: scale with values from 0 to 14, used to measure the concentration of h+ ions in a solution.
  • solvent: dissolving substance in a solution
  • solute : substance that is dissolved in a solution
  • adhesion : force of attraction between different kinds of molecules
  • hydrogen bond : weak attraction between hydrogen atom and another atom
  • mixture : material composed of two or more elements or compounds that are physically mixed together but not chemically combined
  • suspension : mixture of water and non-dissolved material
  • solution : type of mixture in which all the compounds are evenly distributed
  • acid: compound that forms hydrogen ions (h+) in a solution, a solution with a ph of less than 7
  • polar: a molecule that has a charge on one side of the molecule