Chemical Reactions and Phase Change Crossword Puzzle

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Chemical Reactions and Phase Change Crossword Puzzle

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  • liquid: the state of matter in which atoms move around one another.
  • change: when thermal energy is added or removed, this is what happens to a substance's state.
  • solid: this physical state has particles that move slowly and are closely packed.
  • conserve: in the scientific process, this principle indicates that mass is not lost in a reaction.
  • atoms: the total number of _ remains the same in a chemical reaction.
  • reaction: the process where atoms are rearranged to form new substances.
  • decreased: when energy is _ the molecules move slower and closer together.
  • gas: the physical state in which particles are widely spaced and move freely and away from one another
  • heat: the movement of particles within a substance that leads to temperature changes.
  • vapor: this substance change occurs when a liquid turns to gas.
  • stronger: the molecules in a solid have a _ attraction.
  • rearrange: this is what atoms do during a chemical reaction.
  • arrow: this is a feature used to show the flow of energy in a scientific model.