Atoms and Bonding Basics Crossword Puzzle

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  • mass number : total number of protons and neutrons
  • neutron : a uncharged particle in an atom.
  • sulfide : an ion of the element with 16 protons
  • valence : the electrons on the outermost energy level of an atom furthest from the nucleus.
  • atom : the smallest form of matter.
  • ionic bond : bond formed between a metal and a nonmetal
  • sulfur : an element with 16 protons
  • two : the number of valence electrons that oxygen needs to gain to have an octet.
  • energy levels : locations around the nucleus where electrons are found.
  • atomic number : the number representing the number of protons and electrons.
  • seventy four : the number of neutrons in iodine.
  • isotope : atoms of an element with the same number of protons but different mass numbers.
  • diatomic : the term that describes an element that exists in nature bonded to itself, example: h2, n2, cl2
  • electron : particles found orbiting the nucleus.
  • proton : positively charged particle in the nucleus
  • compound : a substance that contains 2 or more elements chemically compound.
  • transition metals : when naming compounds with these elements, you must use roman numerals to indicate their charge.
  • non metals : elements that tend to form covalent bonds
  • copper : an element with twenty nine electrons
  • fifty : the amount of neutrons in strontium
  • molecule : a group of atoms joined together by a covalent bond.