Chemistry in Society Crossword Puzzle
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- conductor: word to describe elements that allow electricity to move through them
- ductile: can be pulled into wires
- malleable: can be beaten into shape
- aluminium: metal used to construct airplanes
- lead: metal used as diving weights
- oxygen: gas that produces a metal oxide when reacting with metal
- acid: solution with a ph below 7
- hydrogen: gas that burns with a pop
- gold: metal that is found uncombined in the earth's surface
- unreactive: a word to describe metals like gold and silver
- carbon: what metal compounds such as iron oxide are heated with the extract the metal
- ores: name of metal compounds found in the earth's crust
- electrolysis: method of extracting the most reactive metals
- alloy: a mixture of elements, one of which is a metal
- polymer: word to describe a long chain molecule
- biodegradable: can be broken down in nature
- recyclable: can be re-used
- thermoplastic: will soften when heated, can be recycled
- thermosetting: plastics which cannot be recycled