Atoms - An Introduction to Radioactivity Crossword Puzzle

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Atoms - An Introduction to Radioactivity Crossword Puzzle

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  • atom : the smallest particle of an element that retains all the properties of that element.
  • compound : a chemical combination of two or more different elements.
  • molecule : forms when two or more atoms are chemically bonded.
  • atomic mass : the average mass of the isotopes of that element. the combined mass of protons and neutrons.
  • atomic number : the number of protons in an atom.
  • electron : a negatively charged, fast-moving particle with an extremely small mass and is located outside of the nucleus.
  • neutron : a neutral, sub-atomic particle located inside an atom's nucleus that has a neutral charge, 0.
  • proton : a sub-atomic particle located inside an atom's nucleus that has a positive charge, +1.
  • chemical bond : this holds two atoms together.
  • ion : an atom or group of atoms with a positive or negative charge.
  • element : a pure substance that cannot be broken down into a simpler substance.
  • nucleus : the location of the nucleons
  • nucleon : the name for a subatomic particle found in the center of the atom
  • empty space : most of the atom is made of this
  • positive : the overall charge of the nucleus
  • neutral : the overall charge of the atom