Organic Chem Crossword Puzzle
Download and print this Organic Chem crossword puzzle.
- alkane : organic compound with single bonds of carbons
- alkene : organic compound with double bonds of carbon
- methene : alkene with one carbon
- methane : alkane with one carbon
- decene : alkene with ten carbons
- butene : alkene with four carbons
- anol : ending of alcohol functional group.
- butanol : alcohol group chain with four carbons
- ethanol: alcohol group chain with two carbons
- ane: ending for alkane group chain
- ene:ending for alkene group chain
- propanol : alcohol group chain with five carbons
- meth: prefix given to a one carbon chain
- prop:prefix given to a five carbon chain.
- dec: prefix given to a ten carbon chain.
- non:prefix given to a nine carbon chain