Changes to Materials Crossword Puzzle
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- precipitation : a process of mixing two solutions where a solid is formed.
- bubbling : an observation when a chemical reaction produces a gas.
- purple : colour of universal indicator when added to a strong alkaline solution
- lime : what do farmers spread of acidic soil to neutralise it.
- neutralisation : the process when acid is added to an alkali to form salt and water.
- limewater : turns milky when carbon dioxide is bubbled into it.
- hydrogen : this gas extinguishes lit splint with a 'pop' sound.
- physical : the type of change where no new substance is formed
- chemical : what kind of change has taken place when iron reacts with sulfur to form iron sulfide
- burette: the long piece of apparatus used to neutralise an alkali or acid very accurately.
- seven : ph of pure water.
- hydrochloric : name of the acid found in stomach.
- corrosive : term given to substances that burns living tissues.
- reactants : term given to substances on the left-hand side of an equation.
- oxygen : this gas relights a glowing splint.
- magnesium oxide : the compound formed when magnesium reacts with oxygen.
- variables : the things that we change or keep the same in a scientific experiment.