Canada Regions Crossword Puzzle

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Canada Regions Crossword Puzzle

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  • pacific : what ocean does the cordillera region border?
  • landmark : a man made symbol used to represent a certain city or region.
  • great lakes : toronto is found in this region and this region is closest to the equator.
  • canadian shield : almost all of quebec belongs to this region.
  • atlantic : this region contains the appalachian highlands.
  • arctic : what is canada's most northern region?
  • nickel : what landmark does the canadian shield city of sudbury have?
  • cordillera : this region includes the city of vancouver.
  • permafrost : the arctic region has ground which never freezes, what is this type of ground called?
  • hudson bay : this bay stretches across the arctic and canadian shield region
  • climate : this term describes long term weather in an area
  • inuit : name of the first nations people who call the arctic region home.