Botany Revision Crossword Puzzle

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Botany Revision Crossword Puzzle

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  • bract : a modified, brightly coloured leaf, associated with flowers (5)
  • respiration : releases energy from stored sugars required for growth (11)
  • receptacle : the tip of the flower stalk, to which the floral organs are attached (10)
  • thorn : modified stem with a hard, sharp tip (5)
  • drupe : fleshy fruit with a single seed contained in a stony endocarp (5)
  • phloem : vascular tissue involved in sugar translocation (6)
  • inferior : ovary positioned below the flower receptacle (8)
  • xylem : vascular tissue responisble for transporting water and nutrients from the roots/soil (5)
  • chlorophyll : green pigment contained in chloroplasts (11)
  • pinnate : compound leaf with leaflets arranged either side of the rachis (7)
  • scion : the shoot system of a grafted plant (5)
  • deciduous : plants which shed their leaves at the end of the growing season (9)
  • undulate : wavy e.g. leaf margin (8)
  • annual : a plant which completes its lifcycle within one year (6)
  • rhizome : underground, horizontal stem (7)
  • pepo : a berry with a hard rind and flattened seeds (4)
  • node : growth points on a stem from which leaves, branches or buds may form (4)
  • achene : a single-seeded, dry, indehiscent fruit (6)
  • herbaceous : a plant which has no woody above ground parts (10)
  • berry : a fleshy fruit with a thin skin, and multiple seeds embedded in the flesh (5)
  • true : fruits derived from the ovary only (4)
  • multiple : fruit formed from an inflorescence (8)
  • petiole : the stalk of a leaf which attaches to the stem (7)
  • pome : simple fruit surrounded by a fleshy receptacle (4)