Bones of the Skull Crossword Puzzle

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Bones of the Skull Crossword Puzzle

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  • maxilla : the _ is specifically located in the mid face, forms the upper jaw.
  • mandible : the _ is the largest bone in the human skull, forming the lower jawline and shaping the contour of the inferior third of the face.
  • ethnoid : the _ bone is a small bone that forms the lateral boundaries of the orbit, the anterior cranial fossa superiorly, and the nasal cavities inferiorly.
  • sutures : cranial _ are fibrous bands of tissue that connect the bones of the skull.
  • lacrimal : the _ bone is a paired facial bone located in the medial wall of the orbit.
  • vomer : the _ is a small, thin, plow-shaped, midline bone that occupies and divides the nasal cavity.
  • sphenoid : the _ bone is shaped like a butterfly or a bat, it has a central body and two lateral wings on either side.
  • frontal : the _ bone in an adult is an unpaired bone that is a part of the bony structure that forms the anterior and superior portions of the skull.
  • zygomatic : the _ bones are a pair of diamond-shaped that form the prominence of the cheeks.
  • nasal : the _ bones they are placed side by side at the middle and upper part of the face and by their junction, form the bridge of the upper one third of the nose.
  • occipital : the _ bone is a flat, unpaired bone that forms a major part of the posterior wall and base of the skull.
  • temporal : the _ bones protect the temporal lobe of the brain and the ear.
  • parietal : the _ bones are bilateral skull bones that form the superior and lateral walls of the cranium.
  • palatine : the _ bones contribute to the posterior part of the roof of the mouth and floor and lateral walls of the nose, the medial wall of the maxillary sinuses and the orbital floors.