Bipolar Disorder Crossword Puzzle
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- hypomania : elevated mood but not a full on manic episode
- bipolar i : when a person has at least one manic episode and may also have depressive episode
- euthymic : moods that aren't manic or depressive
- bipolar disorder : a brain condition that causes a person to go through periods of highs and lows
- dopamine : the "feel good hormone"
- serotonin : the natural mood stabilizer chemical
- manic : episode where the person is very energized
- psychotherapy : along with medication, _ can also be helpful to live a healthy life with bipolar disorder
- substance abuse : when someone misuses alcohol or drugs
- cyclothymia : muted form of bipolar disorder
- bipolar ii : when a person experiences at least on depressive episode but doesn't have a full blown manic episode
- depressive : episode where the person is very down or sad