Bible Quiz Crossword Puzzle
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- joseph : he was sold as a slave by his jealous brothers
- abraham : he fathered a child at 99 years old
- john : book that says you must believe to have eternal life
- jesus : he said all things are possible with god
- ten : how many men were cleansed from having leprosy
- solomon : he was called the wisest man on earth
- ishmael : name of abraham's first son
- isaac : name of abraham's promised son
- psalms : in this book david said "the lord is my shepherd
- paul : he wrote the most books in the new testament
- faith : without this, it is impossible to please god
- pray : whenever you are stressed, you should do this
- wine : jesus's first miracle was turning water into this
- david : he was anointed as king when he was a teenager
- sampson : he would become weak if he shaved his head
- commandments : ten laws in the old testament
- moses : god chose him to lead the israelites out of slavery
- none : how many women wrote books in the bible
- noah : he built the ark as commanded by god
- judas : he betrayed jesus for 30 pieces of silver
- heart : memory verse "trust in the lord with all your ?"