Algebra Key Terms Crossword Puzzle

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Algebra Key Terms Crossword Puzzle

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  • invertible: a matrix is called _ if there exists matrices such that ab = i and ca = i
  • ring: this contains an abelian group and a monoid of a group where all elements within this are distributative
  • trace: the sum of all the diagonal elements of the matrix
  • injective: every _ linear mapping has a left inverse
  • determinant: the formula for this is called the leibniz formula
  • complementary: two vector subspaces are called this if addition defines a bijection
  • field: every finite integral domain is this
  • automorphism: an isomorphism of a vector space to itself
  • elementary: this type of matrix differs from the identity matrix by only one element
  • kernel: the preimage of the zero vector of a linear mapping
  • endomorphism: a homomorphism from a vector space to itself
  • commutative: a ring in which ab = ba for all a,b in the ring
  • monic: when the leading coefficient of this polynomial is 1
  • closed: the field of complex numbers is algebraically _