Adjectives for a Women Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: strong : women exhibit this quality when facing challenges, empowered : a feeling that arises from realizing one's worth and abilities, caring : a characteristic that involves showing concern and kindness towards others, confident : a self-assured and positive quality often seen in capable women, intelligent : women are often praised for their sharp minds and clever thinking, graceful : the elegance and poise often associated with women, compassionate : displaying deep empathy and understanding for others, ambitious : having a strong desire to achieve one's goals and aspirations, resilient : the ability to bounce back from challenges and setbacks, inspirational : women who motivate and encourage others through their actions, brave : showing courage and fearlessness in the face of adversity, nurturing : providing care, support, and encouragement to help others grow, fearless : bold and unafraid, even in the face of challenges, wise : possessing knowledge and good judgment gained through experience, radiant : shining brightly, exuding positivity and confidence.