Sleep and Dreams Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: sleepwalking : walking or carrying out behaviours while asleep, sleep apnea : a sleep disorder in which a person has trouble breathing while asleep, insomnia : the failure to get enough sleep at night in order to feel rested the next day, night terrors : sleep disruptions that occur during stage iv of sleep, involving screaming, panic or confusion, nightmares : unpleasant dreams, circadian rhythm : the rhythm of activity and inactivity lasting approximately one day, consciousness : a state of awareness, including a person's feelings, sensations, ideas and perceptions, dreams : a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep, narcolepsy : a condition characterized by suddenly falling asleep or feeling very sleepy during the day, rem sleep : a stage of sleep characterized by rapid eye movements, daydreams : a series of pleasant thoughts that distract one's attention from the present, sleep : an essential state of consciousness, involves stages and periods of dreaming