Triple Points Crossword Puzzle
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- gas vapor : _ is found below the triple point
- gas : a _ is compressible, and is in fast, random motion.
- deposition : when a vapor becomes a solid, this is called _ .
- liquid : in a _ , particles move, by sliding.
- triple point : temp. & pressure where solid, liquid and gas, co-exist.
- tea : an example of a saturated solution is sweet _ .
- super saturated : when a solution holds the most solute, that it can hold...
- sublimation : when a solid is converted directly to a gas/vapor.
- unsaturated : when a solution does not hold, as much as it can hold.
- condensation : when a gas is so saturated, it becomes a liquid, this is called _ .
- freezing : _ is when a liquid is converted to a solid.
- boil : to convert liquid to a gas.
- solid : not compressible
- saturated : when a solution, holds as much solute, as it can hold.
- solid liquid : found above the triple point...
- liquid : a _ , takes the shape of the container, and cannot be compressed.
- heating : a supersaturated solution can be made, by _ and adding more solute.
- gas : a _ , is in constant, random motion and fills the container.
- solid : move in fast random motion & fills the space of the container.