Metals Notmetals and Metalloids Crossword Puzzle
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- metal : conducts heat
- shiny : characteristic of metal
- malleable : can be bent and pounded into shape
- nonmetal : usually dull in appearance
- oxygen : non-metal we need to breathe
- carbon : period table symbol is c
- gold : found in stream beds, usually in nugget form
- metalloid : chemical element that has properties between metal and non-metal
- arsenic : an example of a metalloid
- silicone : used in computers and electronics
- aluminum : common element in earth's crust
- mercury : metal that is liquid at room temperature
- lead : one of the softest metals
- iron : a part of hemoglobin, a protein which carries oxygen from our lungs throughout our bodies
- titanium : only element that will burn in pure nitrogen gas
- sulfur : makes the chemical sulfuric acid
- brittle : easily broken
- insulator : doesn't allow heat/electricity flow
- ductile : can be wired into
- conductor : allows heat and electricity flow