Taking Pictures in Farmland Crossword Puzzle

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  • ponds : big _ for livestock to drink and cool off.
  • rivers : creeks and _ splashing water on big rocks.
  • turkey : a _ showing off his big tail feathers.
  • turtles : _ trying to cross the road.
  • wildflowers : _ growing along the roadside.
  • round : hay harvested in square or big _ bales.
  • dogwood : flowering _ trees in spring.
  • cows : _ napping at 10:30 am
  • deer : _ jumping the fence by the road.
  • horses : _ galloping across the prairie.
  • wheat : fields of _ waving in the breeze.
  • plowing : workers _ up the big fields.
  • neighbors : _ stopping to chat with the farmers.
  • sheep : _ grazing on the green hillside.
  • ducks : wild _ swimming on the ponds.