Forces and Flying Kites Crossword Puzzle

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Forces and Flying Kites Crossword Puzzle

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  • lift: the force that allows the kite to rise into the air.
  • drag: the resistance force that acts opposite to the direction of motion.
  • tension: the force in the string that keeps the kite stable.
  • gravity: the force that pulls the kite towards the ground.
  • aerodynamics: the study of how air interacts with moving objects, crucial for kite design.
  • tail: part of the kite that helps stabilize it in flight.
  • bridle: the set of strings that help control the angle of the kite.
  • wind: the natural force that provides the necessary lift for the kite.
  • frame: the structure that gives the kite its shape.
  • sail: the surface of the kite that catches the wind.