St. Valentine Crossword Puzzle
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- Valentines Day
Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated annually on February 14, when lovers express their affection with greetings and gifts.
- Saint Valentine's Day
- Happy Valentine's Day!
- History of Valentine's Day
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- epilepsy : is the patron saint for this disease
- chaucer : he wrote parliament of foules
- catacombs : an underground cemetery consisting of a subterranean gallery with recesses for tombs, as constructed by the ancient romans.
- port adelpopolo : st. valentine was buried here initially and at one time this place was called "the gate of st. valentine". today this is what it is called.
- february : _ 14th - feast day for st. valentine
- marry : what valentine did that was against the law and got him thrown in jail.
- pope gelasius : person who declared feb 14th as the day to honor st. valentine
- asterius : this was the person valentine converted to christianity, after valentine had healed his daughter of blindness.
- claudius : ruler who ordered valentine be put to death
- feast of lupercalia : pagan festival of love that was celebrated in rome
- pope gelasius : peron who make february 14th as a celebration in honor of st. valentine's martyrdom
- bishop : valentine's profession
- martyr : someone who dies for their religious beliefs
- blindness : what valentine is said to have cured the judge's daughter from
- pope julius : this person is said to have built a church near ponte mole in memory of st. valentine
- flowers : something you give to someone on valentine's day