Spi-Sports Crossword Puzzle

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Spi-Sports Crossword Puzzle

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  • volleyball : a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net.
  • parkour : the activity or sport of moving rapidly through an area, typically in an urban environment, negotiating obstacles by running, jumping, and climbing.
  • underwater hockey : a globally played limited-contact sport in which two teams compete to manoeuvre a puck across the bottom of a swimming pool
  • ultimate frisbee : team sport played with a flying disc frisbee.
  • snail racing : a form of humorous entertainment that involves the racing of two or more air-breathing land animals
  • quidditch : a team sport played while straddling broomsticks, in which goals are scored by throwing a ball through any of three hoops fixed at either end of the field.
  • cycleball : a sport similar to association football played on bicycles.
  • wife carrying : a contest in which male competitors race while each carrying females
  • chess boxing : a hybrid sport that combines two traditional disciplines:
  • bog snorkelling : a sporting event where competitors aim to complete two consecutive lengths of a 60 yards water-filled trench cut
  • triathlon : particularly the ironman distance
  • bossaball : a team sport played on an inflatable court