Signs and Scourging Crossword Puzzle

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Signs and Scourging Crossword Puzzle

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  • wedding: what was taking place in cana (john 2:1)
  • tables: what jesus overturned at the temple (john 2:15)
  • capernaum: the city jesus went to after the wedding (john 2:12)
  • false: jesus committed himself to believers; true or false? (john 2:23-24)
  • signs: what people saw that caused them to believe in jesus (john 2:23)
  • cords: what jesus made a whip (or a "scourge") out of (john 2:15)
  • forty six: the number of years it took to build the temple (john 2:20)
  • brothers: the men with jesus besides mary and the disciples (john 2:12)
  • disciples: who, besides jesus, was invited to the wedding (john 2:2)
  • galilee: cana was part of this region (john 2:11)
  • three: how many days it would take jesus to raise up the temple (john 2:19)
  • woman: how jesus addressed his mother (john 2:4)
  • thirty: the containers could hold this many gallons at the most (john2:6)
  • my fathers: jesus said the temple was whose house (john 2:16)
  • jerusalem: city where jesus went to celebrate the jewish feast (john 2:13)
  • water pots: there were six of these involved in the miracle (john 2:6)
  • temple: birds, sheep, oxen and birds were sold here (john 2: 14)
  • beginning: this miracle was the _ of signs (john2:11)
  • doves: the type of bird that could be bought at the temple (john 2:14)
  • passover: this feast was going to be celebrated soon (john 2:13)
  • wine: what the water became (john 2:9)