Shift Work Safety Crossword Puzzle

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Shift Work Safety Crossword Puzzle

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  • caffeine : avoid at least 5 hrs prior to bedtime
  • depression : a side affect of fatigue
  • exercise : do this regularly but not too close to bed time
  • light and healthy : eat this way throughout your shift _ _ _
  • performance : fatigue lowers your productivity and _ and ability to handle stress
  • vitamins : taking these along with a healthy diet will help with fatigue
  • sitting : doing this for long periods of times is a fatigue trigger
  • boring : perform these tasks at the beginning of your shift
  • routine : going to bed the same time and getting up the same time
  • stand : make sure you do this every few hours to get your circulation moving
  • housekeeping : make sure you do a little of this every shift
  • cellphone : turn off _ _ at least one hour before you go to sleep
  • alcohol : avoid before bed
  • breaks : take one in the first half of your shift, at lunch and in the second half of your shift
  • weight : _ can play a factor in how well you sleep
  • fatigue : reduces your ability to make decisions and plan