Science and Innovation Crossword Puzzle

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Science and Innovation Crossword Puzzle

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  • einstein: developed the theory of relativity
  • newton: formulated the laws of motion
  • curie: pioneered research on radioactivity
  • edison: invented the phonograph
  • tesla: innovated with alternating current
  • darwin: proposed the theory of evolution
  • hubble: discovered the expansion of the universe
  • pasteur: developed the germ theory of disease
  • wright: brothers who invented the airplane
  • bell: invented the telephone
  • galileo: improved the telescope
  • fleming: discovered penicillin
  • turing: father of computer science
  • mendel: founded the science of genetics
  • watson: co-discoverer of the dna structure
  • hawking: theorized about black holes
  • salk: developed the polio vaccine
  • faraday: discovered electromagnetic induction
  • babbage: designed the first mechanical computer
  • franklin: conducted electricity experiments with a kite