Roof Designs Crossword Puzzle

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Roof Designs Crossword Puzzle

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  • rafters : common _ extend from the ridge of the roof to the plate or beyond.
  • gable : the cornice forms on two sides of a(n) _ roof.
  • vinyl : gutters are commonly made from galvanized sheet metal, aluminum, _ , and copper.
  • flashing : _ should be used where any feature penetrates the roof.
  • narrow : the soffit board is nailed to the underside of the rafter in a _ box cornice.
  • cornice : in a close _ , the rafter does not project beyond the wall.
  • flat : a roof type more suited to houses in warm climates than in cold, wet climates is a _ roof.
  • asphalt : the most popular type of roofing material for residences is _ .
  • gambrel : the _ roof type is used a great deal on barns.
  • pitches : it is good practice to use one of the standard roof _ or slopes when designing a roof.