Plant Life Cycle Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: seeds : fruits have _ inside them, ovary : the _ is the structure that holds the egg, cones : nonflowering plants have _ , egg : an _ develops into a seed, fertilization : _ occurs when the pollen combines with an egg, pistil : the _ is where the eggs are made, smaller : male cones are _ than female cones, pollen : to make seeds, _ must move from the stamen of one plant to the pistil of another plant, conifers : pine trees and other _ have cones, stamen : the _ is where the pollen is made, fur : seeds can also spread by being carried in the animal's _ , waste : when the animal produces _ , the seed can sprout there on the ground, wind : a gust of _ can blow pollen grains from a male cone to a female cone, germinate : sprout