Parts of a Newspaper Crossword Puzzle

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Parts of a Newspaper Crossword Puzzle

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  • front page: first page of the paper that contains the most important news of the day
  • news: contains news articles written by the staff
  • op-ed: contains the editorial and opinion columns. it also contains the masthead with the list of editors.
  • features page: contains human interest stories
  • sports page: contains sports stories and updates on sports, games, and athletes
  • tagline: identifies the paper’s motto and marketing pitch
  • masthead: shows the logo of the newspaper
  • body text: the body of the news story
  • caption: text that identifies or describes the photo that appear on the page.
  • banner: main headline of the newspaper. it carries the biggest font size, usually 40 points, since this is the most important story of the day.
  • byline: name/s of the journalist/s who wrote the article.
  • jump: tells the readers where to find the rest of the story if it did not fit on the front page.
  • ears: teasers found on the upper left or right of the masthead. it usually points to human interest stories that can be found on another page inside the paper.