Name That Instrument! Crossword Puzzle

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Name That Instrument! Crossword Puzzle

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  • drums : an instrument played with a pair of sticks or with your hands.
  • guitar : an instrument with six strings played by both fingers.
  • harmonica : a small rectangular wind instrument that is held against ones lips, moving from side to side.
  • flute : a tube with holes along the instrument that are stopped by ones fingers to make music while blowing air through tube.
  • piano : stings of black and white keys played with ones hands.
  • violin : an instrument with four strings played by a bow.
  • trumpet : a four stringed instrument held upright between one's legs on the floor and played by a bow or plucking.
  • saxophone : a brass instrument played with ones fingers and blowing air through your lips.
  • horn : a curved tube that a musician blows in to make a sound.
  • trombone : a brass instrument that fits over a persons shoulder, blowing air through your lips.