Middle East Vocab Crossword Puzzle
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Browse all Cities / Places Puzzles
- israel : this country borders the mediterranean sea.
- qatar : is a peninsula that hangs off saudi arabia.
- iran : this country fights a lot with iraq.
- mesopotamia : this land feature is in between the euphrates and tigris river.
- black sea : above turkey.
- jordan river : a river named after a country.
- yemen : this country is next to omen.
- gaza strip : this land feature is in israel and touches the mediterranean sea.
- lebanon : this country is above israel.
- omen : this country is next to yemen.
- turkey : this country is below the black sea.
- tigris river : right next to the euphrates river.
- dessert : very hot and dry.
- west bank : opposite of the east bank.
- sues canal : connects the mediterranean sea and red sea.
- jordan : this country has a river named after it.
- iraq : this country fights a lot with iran.
- afghanistan : this country is beside iran.