Measurement Glossary Crossword Puzzle

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Measurement Glossary Crossword Puzzle

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  • measure : using tools to find the size, weight, time, etc of something.
  • weight : a measure of how heavy something is.
  • gram : a unit of measurement for weight.
  • teenager : a person who is no longer a child, but not yet an adult.
  • capacity : the largest amount that a container can hold.
  • perimeter : the distance around a shape.
  • length : a measure of how long something is from one end to the other.
  • litre : a unit of measurement for liquids, often found in bottles or jugs.
  • metre : a unit of measurement used to measure length or distance.
  • polygon : a shape with many sides, like a triangle or a rectangle.
  • area : the space covered inside a flat shape.
  • scale : a tool used to measure weight.
  • calculate : solve a math problem to find an answer.
  • volume : the amount of three dimensional space inside a container or an object.
  • distance : how far away something is from another place.
  • ruler : a tool used to measure straight lines and distances.
  • estimate : a guess about the approximate size, amount, value, etc of something.