Malignant Hypertension Crossword Puzzle

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Malignant Hypertension Crossword Puzzle

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  • succinylcholine : in the ed, mh crisis is generally associated with this medication?
  • cooling : in addition to medication, _ measures must begin immediately?
  • hotline : if your patient develops this condition, you must call the mh?
  • acidosis : this is caused as the blood ph drops due to increased production of co2 in the muscles?
  • relaxant : ryanodex is a skeletal muscle _ ?
  • muscle : this is a common symptom _ rigidity?
  • anesthesia : this condition is commonly associated with general _ ?
  • sterile : each vial is diluted with 5mg of bacteriostatic _ water?
  • ryanodex : this medication is used to treat this condition?
  • irregular : the patient may have a rapid or _ heartbeat?
  • skeletal : this is caused by a hereditary condition of the _ muscles?
  • supervisor : you must notify the house _ if a mh crisis occurs?