Machine Shop Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle
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Browse all Tools / Equipment Puzzles
- drill : a tool used to make holes.
- lathe : a machine where the part spins.
- steel rule : a metal measurement ruler with graduations of either decimal, fractional or metric units.
- pitch : the spacing between each thread in a specified thread size.
- filing : the operation of removing sharp edges on a part using a hand file.
- calipers : measuring instrument with dial. not as precise as micrometer.
- layout fluid : a translucent blue film applied to metal work pieces to scribe lines to show machined features.
- tap : a cutting tool used to make an internal thread.
- digital readout : an electronic display that shows exact positioning of a machine tool.
- fishtail : an alignment tool used to set single point threading tool on a lathe.
- tap wrench : a tool used to hold a tap to turn by hand.
- blueprint : a fully dimensioned drawing showing all the information needed to manufacture a part.
- feed : a mechanical setting on a machine tool to engage movement of a cutting tool into the work piece.
- mill : a machine where the cutter spins.
- estop : a large red button found on every machine to shut off machine in the event of an emergency.
- facing : machining the end surface of a round work piece in the lathe.
- sfpm : surface feet per minute, how much linear surface move past the cutting edge in a minute of time.
- chamfer : an angled machined edge on a part.
- spindle : the part of the machine tool that holds either the part or the cutting tool.
- rpm : revolutions per minute, how many turns an object makes in one minute of time.
- center punch : a tool used to stamp a point into a work piece to form the center of a drilled hole.
- micrometer : precision measuring instrument.
- height gauge : a measuring and layout tool used to scribe lines for part layout.
- countersink : an angled machined edge on a hole.
- vise : a work holding device that holds parts to be worked on.