Latin America Vocab Crossword Puzzle

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Latin America Vocab Crossword Puzzle

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  • cash crops: kinda like commercial farming. it is grown to be sold
  • indigenous: people who kept their culture to this day
  • deforestation: when you get rid of a ton of trees. loggers and settlers are examples
  • nafta: this makes trade easier between the us, mexico, and canada
  • sustainable develop: only thinks about the needs today and not the future like a tree farm
  • standard of living: latin america is not doing super good the only thing that is going up is their gdp per capita
  • outsourcing: when the us gives mexico some of their companies is an example of this
  • nonrenewable : _ resource - this takes a long time to regrow therefore it can't be replaced. one example of this is oil
  • commercial : farming where you make stuff to sell just like loggers
  • ecotourism: going on a tour without harm. an example is a safari
  • tropical rainforest: an example of this is the amazon rainforest. and these places normally get 160 inches of rainfall per year
  • dictator: these people lead by fear and intimidation
  • colonization: in latin america the spanish and portuguese did this to latin america
  • spatial inequality: an example of this would be favelas on one side of a wall and a luxury apartment on the other side
  • favelas: these are living spaces for the poor and they are often very crowded and only located in brazil
  • landlocked: bolivia and paraguay are the only two that are latin america
  • subsistence : farming where you make stuff just for your family just like settlers
  • renewable resource: this takes a short time to be produced. it can be used up as quickly as it is regrown