Introduction to Power Tools Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: countersink : a bit or drill used to set the head of a screw at or below the surface of the material, forstner bit : a bit designed for use in wood or similar soft material, masonry bit : a drill bit with a carbide tip designed to penetrate materials like stone, brick, or concrete, auger bit : a drill bit with a spiral cutting edge for boring holes in wood and other materials, step drill bit : a drill bit that includes steps which enable the user to cut holes in metal to a desired diameter, chuck : a clamping device that holds an attachment; for example, the chuck of the drill holds the drill bit, chuck key : a small, t-shaped steel piece used to open and close the chuck on power drills, charge cycles : describe one complete charge and discharge cycle for a rechargeable battery, amp hour : a rating that describes the max amps a battery can provide continuously for up to 60 minutes, voltage rating : a measurement of the power the tool can deliver, shank : the smooth part of a drill bit that fits into the chuck, carbide : a very hard material made of tungsten carbide and heavy metals such as cobalt, torque : the turning force produced by the drill, whip check : a safety attachment used to prevent whiplashing in hoses, arbor : the end of a circular saw shaft where the blade is mounted, kerf : the channel created by a saw blade passing through the material, reciprocating : moving backward and forward on a straight line, abrasive : a substance, such as sandpaper, that is used to wear away material, grit : a granular, sand-like material used to make sandpaper and similar materials abrasive