MRI - Advanced Imaging Crossword Puzzle

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MRI - Advanced Imaging Crossword Puzzle

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  • technetium: chemical element widely used for diagnostic scintigraphy.
  • parallel: directional technique used for radiography of premolars and molars.
  • dark: water and csf have long t1 values in mri and therefore appear _ on t1 weighted images.
  • brain: structure that is better imaged by mri than ct.
  • magnetic: ' _ ' field used to align nuclei(the 'm' in mri).
  • fluoroscopy: low dose x-ray imaging producing real time images -useful for investigation of swallowing disorders.
  • helium: liquid used to cool the superconducting magnets in mri scanners.
  • bright: fat has a short t1 value and therefore appears _ on t1 weighted mri images.
  • speed: one of the advantages of ct over mri imaging.
  • indium: chemical element used in diagnostic scintigraphy for lymphoma.
  • mri: advanced imaging modality that does not involve ionising radiation or radioactivity.
  • scout: when planning which area to focus on in a ct scan, a _ scan is performed first.
  • scintigraphy: a scan that uses radioactive materials and is useful in imaging the thyroid gland.
  • omnipaque: contrast medium used in contrast ct scans.
  • time: the meaning of the t in t1 and t2 weighted mri images