Work and Machines Crossword Puzzle

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Work and Machines Crossword Puzzle

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  • work : occurs when a force causes an object to move in the direction of the force.
  • lever : a simple machine that consisting of a bar that pivots at a fixed point
  • screw : an inclined plane that is wrapped in a spiral
  • input : the type of work that you do on a machine is called the work
  • efficiency : mechanical _ is a comparison of a machine's work output with the work input.
  • block and tackle : when two kinds of pulleys are used together, a system is called a
  • advantage : the mechanical _ of a machine compares the input force with the output force.
  • joule : unit used to express work
  • pulley : a simple machine that consists of a grooved wheel that holds a rope or cable.
  • machine : a device that helps make work easier by changing the size or direction of force.
  • wedge : a simple machine that consists of a straight, slanted surface.
  • simple : all machines are constructed from six _ machines.
  • wheel and axel : a simple machine consisting of two circular objects of different sizes.
  • fulcrum : the fixed point at which a lever pivots is called a
  • compound : machines that are made up of two or more simple machines is called a _ machine
  • watt : the unit used to express power
  • output : the work done by a machine is called work _ .