How Do Adults Learn? Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: adult : _ learners, also needs the desire to learn, super : _ learner, someone with high learning and applies it, motivation : to effectively learn, adults must have internal _ , pace : adult learners are able to learn at their own _ , long worth : author, learning is for everybody at any stage, together : adult memory increases when they hear and see something, learning : natural human instinct, andragogy : the art & science of helping adults learn, dilemma : identification of a _ is the first stage in transformative learning, project : john dewey promoted _ -based learning theory in the 1900s as a learning by doing method, safe : it is important to have this kind of work environment in order to have an effective training program, values : it can be challenging to motivate adults because, more often than not, they are driven by their internal _ and needs and have few external motivators (smith, 2014), tailor : to take advantage of the qualities that adult learners have, trainers must _ the training methods, experiences : it is simple to walk adult learners through a step-by-step workflow process when they already have real-life _ , auditory : “listening” learning style, lifelong : _ learning, comprehensive needing great understanding, clear : the applicability of what is being learned has to be _ , self directed : adult learners are _ - _ , goals : adults must be keen and driven to seek their _ , knowledge : it does not take much to motivate adult learners because they are often eager to succeed and put their _ to use.